Jerusalem Bagel

Jerusalem Bagels are long and oval-shaped, unlike the round bagels most are familiar with. They are made from a yeast-leavened dough that is slightly sweetened. Before baking, they are dipped in water and then rolled in sesame seeds, which stick to the surface, adding a delightful crunch and flavor. The texture is light and airy with a slightly chewy crust. They are often sold from street carts and are popularly eaten as a snack or for breakfast, sometimes split open and filled with various spreads or ingredients.

Jerusalem Bagel

Jerusalem Bagels are long and oval-shaped, unlike the round bagels most are familiar with. They are made from a yeast-leavened dough that is slightly sweetened. Before baking, they are dipped in water and then rolled in sesame seeds, which stick to the surface, adding a delightful crunch and flavor. The texture is light and airy with a slightly chewy crust. They are often sold from street carts and are popularly eaten as a snack or for breakfast, sometimes split open and filled with various spreads or ingredients.


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